Mentions de danger
H222 Aérosol extrêmement inflammable.
H229 Récipient sous pression: peut éclater sous l’effet de la chaleur.
Strong, multi-purpose lubricant and penetrant with added corrosionprotection. Provides a nondrying, light, oily film for use on indoor/outdoor equipment. Reduces wear caused by friction and corrosion.
Strong, multi-purpose lubricant and penetrant with added corrosionprotection. Provides a nondrying, light, oily film for use on indoor/outdoor equipment. Reduces wear caused by friction and corrosion. Displaces moisture Loosens rusted or frozen parts. Provides up to one year of protection. Nonconductive Safe on paint and most plastics. Inverta Spray Valve allows user to spray in an upright or inverted position. NSF® H2 registered
11oz. (312g) – Aerosol