Our new Pulse Demand systems still incorporate all of the benefits of our legacy controllers but with many improvements. Like the series of the old VW Beetle, it’s the same, but better.
CGA-540 Standard North American
Our new Pulse Demand systems still incorporate all of the benefits of our legacy controllers but with many improvements. Like the series of the old VW Beetle, it’s the same, but better.
We started with the control switch: The EDS unit now incorporates a MIL spec rugged, easy-to- grip, rotary control switch providing improved reliability, increased ease of function and visibility. This switch also has very positive position detentes for excellent tactile feedback making it resistant to changes from causal rubbing or bumping.
While we were at it, we improved the manifold design to allow for better breathing response and effort tracking. This, combined with a new circuit board, as well as a new micro-controller, gives improved power-conserving operations with even less RFI emissions, better respire-metric tracking and dispensing of oxygen in finer resolution resulting in smoother steps from altitude and breathing changes.
Other improvements include a dedicated bi-color system battery status light allowing much easier monitoring and definitive indication of battery condition without being confused as a station operation. The original O2Dx units encoded the low battery notification into the station lights. This status light also responds to each control switch change with a beep and green flash to confirm your actions. Also the audio alerts and warnings are louder, more crisp and dynamic to human hearing in an effort of being heard over modest cabin noise. The O2D2 has a 600 Ohm stereo external audio jack as well as a USB compatible (5VDC) external power port.
More intuitive F-Mode settings labeled as 1, 2, 3 & 4 for use with face masks or when more oxygen is required.
How Pulse Demand Works
The patented MH EDS (Electronic Delivery System) is a one (O2D1-2G) or two-user (O2D2-2G) aviation oxygen delivery device. It is designed to deliver aviation oxygen in the most efficient, comfortable and convenient way possible. With its selectable settings, apnea alarm and small size, the MH EDS is the most portable and flexible electronic digital oxygen delivery system in the world. By providing a measured pulse of oxygen every time you breathe in, the MH EDS supplies the oxygen you need to stay alert and comfortable while flying. In contrast to constant flow systems that waste oxygen by supplying more than your body can use, the MH EDS provides a short pulse of oxygen as you inhale, ensuring that your oxygen is used most efficiently. Efficient oxygen delivery means you can fly further on a single oxygen refill or save space and weight with a smaller tank. It also makes it more feasible to enjoy the advantages of oxygen while flying below the altitudes where oxygen is mandated– that can mean fewer headaches, increased alertness, and feeling less exhausted when you reach your destination. Your actual oxygen usage will be determined by your breathing rate and physiological needs at altitude. The programmability of the MH EDS means that, unlike constant-flow oxygen systems, you can “set it and forget it”. By automatically detecting your pressure altitude, the MH EDS can be set to start providing oxygen immediately or at a specified altitude and will automatically adjust the oxygen flow as your altitude changes. When you’re flying, don’t you have more important things to do than adjust your oxygen flow during altitude changes?