Eastman Turbine Oil 2380 is a 5 cSt synthetic lubricant that is approved against US military specification MIL-PRF-23699F STD, and UK military specification DEF STAN 91-101/2 (replaced DERD 2499).

Features :
- Eastman™ Turbo Oil 2380 is still one of the most widely used turbine oils in the commercial aviation industry .
- It was one of the first turbine oils to be qualified and approved for Mil-PRF-23699 STD (Standard) class and subsequently SAE AS5780 SPC (Standard Performance Capability) class .
- If you’re looking for exceptional accessory performance then Eastman™ Turbo Oil 2380 delivers, with extended on-wing accessories lifespan and improved reliability .
- Eastman™ Turbo Oil 2380 has also been found to neutralise the effects of Copper (Cu) – with superior metal passivation results showing reduced oxidation and sludge formation

Specifications :
- MIL-PRF-23699F STD .
- DEF STAN 91-101/2 (replaced DERD 2499) .

Certificat de conformité
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