1000 Products

The L-40 Alternator from B&C Specialty Products is a high-performance, belt-driven alternator for Lycoming engines that make ideal power sources for aircraft requiring ample electrical output, modest weight, and exceptional reliability. Weighing just 6.1 lbs.

Certification: Expérimental
Délai: Délai hors stock : 17 Janvier 2025
Commande "ECO"

The L-40 Alternator from B&C Specialty Products is a high-performance, belt-driven alternator for Lycoming engines that make ideal power sources for aircraft requiring ample electrical output, modest weight, and exceptional reliability. Weighing just 6.1 lbs., it is produced from all NEW components (absolutely NO remanufactured content), and features sealed heavy-duty ball-bearings and built-in cooling fans to insure trouble-free service that gives you the best value for the long term.

There are similar-looking units on the market, but the similarity begins and ends there. We dynamically-balance our alternator rotors to promote good bearing and bracket life. We uniquely modify each alternator for use with a more sophisticated, aircraftstyle, external voltage regulator with over-voltage protection (such as our LR3C-14 or LS-1A), instead of leaving in place an internal regulator better suited for automobiles. And on the L-40, we add a third attachment point to insure solid, stable support (look closely—many of the “look-alike” competing alternators only have two attachment points).

Available for both 14 volt and 28 volt applications, the L-40 Alternator comes complete and ready to install, with either a Boss Mount kit or Case Mount kit.

The Boss Mount kit for the L-40 mounts on the machined pad on the bottom of the engine opposite the starter and uses a U-shaped bracket and two 5/16" national course bolts.

Click here for picture -  Boss Mount bracket, belt tension arm, high-performance belt, and mounting hardware.


The Case Mount kit for the L-40 mounts to the case halves by using the  two 1/4" case half bolts.

Click here for picture -  Case Mount bracket, belt tension arm, high-performance belt, and mounting hardware.


NOTE: Use of non-B&C regulators/controllers may damage the alternator.

           Never use the alternator as a charging point when charging the battery(s)

                                  For Experimental Aircraft ONLY

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