Evans Waterless Coolant PREP Fluid

Evans Waterless Coolant PREP Fluid

999 Products

Evans Prep Fluid is a waterless cooling system flush engineered specifically to purge the cooling system of water-based antifreeze after draining and before installing new waterless coolant.

Certification: Certificat d'analyse : Non
Délai: Délai hors stock : 3 jours
Commande "ECO"

Evans Prep Fluid is a waterless cooling system flush engineered specifically to purge the cooling system of water-based antifreeze after draining and before installing new waterless coolant. Prep Fluid should be used when block drains are unavailable or cannot be removed. It is not a substitute for thoroughly draining the cooling system and related components. Prep Fluid is NOT intended to be a stand-alone operating coolant, but as a flush only.

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