Storage Temp (48 Hrs): -30°C to +80°C (Via Analysis)
Humidity (48 Hrs): 90% RH (Via Analysis)
Diagonal Size: 1.8” Circular
Contrast Ratio (Typical): 500
Brightness (Typical): 1000 cd/m2
Viewing Angle Left/Right:60°
Viewing Angle Up: 45°
Viewing Angle Down: 10°
Backlight Lifetime (Typical): 50,000 Hrs
Sunlight Readable Display - Goodbye Glare
With a matte display, AV-20S is visible in direct sunlight and automatically adjusts brightness to ambient light.
Audio Alerts - Eyes On the Sky
Fly focused and aware with customizable audio alerts. AV-20S’ many display configurations offer several audio triggers to alert you of critical flight information.
Probeless Angle of Attack - Avoid Stalls
The AV-20S alerts you visually and aurally if you approach a dangerous AoA. AoA is calculated by comparing the aircraft’s pitch, flight path, and G-loading.
In The Box
Included is the AV-20-S (with internal backup battery), two 1/4″ quick connect fittings, mounting screws, and wire harness. The harness has all interconnect pins pre-loaded with individually labeled wires.
OAT probe is NOT included and must be purchased separately. The AV-20-S is compatible with the industry standard Davtron Analog probe, C307PS. If the OAT probe is not connected, OAT, DALT and TAS will not be displayed.)
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