Upgrade your Indicating, Position, or Recognition lights to LED's.
These lamps fit standard S.C. Bayonet Indexed Base Sockets (Bay15S). Converts common Incandescent Lamps to LED Lighting without modifications.
Upgrade your Indicating, Position, or Recognition lights to LED's.
These lamps fit standard S.C. Bayonet Indexed Base Sockets (Bay15S). Converts common Incandescent Lamps to LED Lighting without modifications.
It's simple! Just replace your old incandescent bulbs with the new LED Lamps where acceptable. (Use a new clear plastic lens for maximum brightness) and you are ready to go.
Our 15mm (Bay15S) Lamps are available in 12 & 24vdc, Red, Green, and non-indexed Clear. They last longer, run cooler, and draw less than .15amps.
Not PMA'd.